Once you have allowed yourself to be controlled and essentially become a manifestation of your position, your career, or college, or some entity that has nothing to do with your own ideas, your creativity, or your sense of being, then you have sold yourself short. There is truly something amazing about each and every person that is the foundation of our existence. The hopes and dreams; visions of a brighter future; the aspirations for greatness and success--all of these experiences are truly the point of life. The experiences that we create, that we build, that we endure, that we live--are what prepares us for a full life with purpose. What you make of opportunities in life, not necessarily what they make of you, determines your path in life. Being defined by a reality that you cannot control, or shape, or move, causes one to become stagnant in their own quest for a full existence and understanding of ones purpose and ability to create real and lasting change.
I have always believed wholeheartedly in the power of ones own innate ideas and creative inspirations to shape ones own world or reality. A reality that only exists if we believe in it, if we fight for it, if we work for it, and if we persevere against all the negative comments and negative energy that seeks to tear down and destroy, rather than lift up and sustain. The human cause is unyielding, it is deep, it is monumental. The ability to reach across the sky, to stretch across new borders and opportunities is the catalyst for becoming awakened to ones own passions and love of life. Once you are able to realize that you have a purpose, that you are worthy of a successful and happy life without regard to what others think, or a position or some other stigma that you cannot control, then doors will open and your life path will be enlightened.
The energy that each person puts out in the world is what they get in return. Your treatment of other people, your faith, your determination, and spirit of diversity are paramount to realizing your true potential and living it. Being fearless in the face of adversity, being free in times of strife and struggle, being hopeful even when darkness overshadows the light--always leaning forward, thinking of new creations, designing your own life map, and knowing that you can control your thoughts, your ideas, your life, and ultimately your destiny. And once you can take hold of that image of living freely and without fear to knock down doors, to break through barriers, to brainstorm your dreams into reality--you will gain a new sense of purpose and identity that is always focused on living the best you. Setting priorities, goals, and endeavors to live a life worth dreaming then your destiny is directly connected with your own freedom to live and inspire. Do not be afraid of the peanut gallery, the nay sayers, the pretentious, or those who seek to tear down--instead take that negative energy and shape it into a positive force for good.
You know you are making positive strides when the voices of negativity are growing louder, because they want you to fail, they want you to live a mediocre life, they want you to settle for less. That is when you know that you must endure, that your journey is not in vain, and that your life has purpose and meaning. Live freely, share, love, cry, trek, breathe, run, speak, sing, dance, create, build, reconstruct, whistle, design, fall down, get back up, draw, and most importantly, be you!
Josh Murphy
Founder, Youth Speak
The youngest of eight children, Josh Murphy began his writing career at a very young age, even before publishing his first book "Writings from a Teenage Mind" in high school. After writing his own column in a local newspaper for over a year, he attended the University of Tampa and attained a bachelor’s degree in government and world affairs in 2008. While in college he was actively involved with numerous campus leadership organizations and volunteer projects in New Orleans and Mississippi after Hurricane Katrina. His experiences in college led him to join City Year, a national non-profit aimed at reducing the national dropout rate, where he tutored, mentored, and taught students. Murphy has always been inspired by the power of young people and their ability to enact sustainable social change. Through his writings he hopes to empower and educate people of all ages to tap into their own creative abilities to make a positive difference in the world. He currently resides in the Washington, DC area.